I took one day a couple of weeks ago to get my immunizations in preparation for the trip. My sweet neighbor was kind enough to take the girls for me for the whole afternoon. I had already received most of my support money, which was so great, and I wasn't expecting any more donations. I came home a little bummed out because I had to shell out $75 that day for my shots. I knew it would be OK... and I think I'm learning to trust God more than ever through this experience... but I was fretting a bit about the cost of the shots and thinking of all the other unexpected expenses we were looking at this summer. I logged on to email and the first message I opened was from my women's circle. I had appealed to them for donations several weeks prior, and they had decided to clean out their treasury and donate $100 to our trip. And they sent out an email to let everyone know -- THAT DAY. I choked up immediately and remembered the words I have heard so often...You can't outgive God! If we can just trust Him sacrificially, He gives it back to us over and above our expectations. Now why in the world did I waste one moment fretting??
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